November 26, 2020 •

• Reading time approximately 3 minutes.

Growing success through delivery: Partner Testimonials

As a result of the corona crisis, ‘normal’ restaurants could suddenly no longer receive guests. For many restaurants a reason to join. But also restaurants that were already on the platform noticed the positive effect.

“Without we would not have survived the crisis.”

Dennis van Dam | Gulle Goedzak, Hellendoorn, the Netherlands

Started in: 2016
Kitchen: snack bar

What would have happened if you weren’t connected to
We have been connected for four years now. Delivery was on a low level with us, but due to the corona outbreak has become indispensable for us. The number of orders has grown explosively.

What is the effect of the pandemic on your restaurant?
When corona broke out, we immediately took action. In addition to our ‘snack bar products’, we expanded our menu to include sandwiches and complete meals such as the schnitzel dish. Because: the more diverse the offer, the bigger the target group. We also made even more use of social media and posted our runners, for example. From vega to bbq.

Will you continue to deliver via after the corona crisis?
Definitely. We are very satisfied.

Bruno Saelens | Paul’s Boutique, Ghent, Belgium

Started in: 2018
Cuisine: burgers

What would have happened if you weren’t a bit connected to
Then most orders would have been placed via a different platform, which would have resulted in a lot less turnover. is still the most accessible and obvious option for consumers. The different payment methods also make ordering very easy for the customer.

What is the effect of the pandemic on your restaurant?
We have put all our efforts into delivery. We are fortunate that we mainly sell hamburgers and that they are easy to deliver.

Will you continue to deliver after the corona crisis?
Yes, of course. We continue to build on this positive wave of orders. It is a blessing for many restaurants that they were able to deliver during this crisis.

Hubert Niedziółka | Niebo w Gębie, Warsaw, Poland

Started in: 2020
Cuisine: Polish cuisine

What would have happened if you hadn’t joined ( in Poland)?
We could not have continued our business.

What is the effect of the pandemic on your restaurant?
The coronavirus forced us to change our way of working. Until now, we have mainly delivered to businesses. After their closure, we lost 60% of our turnover. Our choice fell on, the market leader. Despite the long wait for activation, it was worthwhile to join the platform. An additional benefit was our participation in the Takeaway Pay programme for hospitals, where we delivered meals as part of our assistance to medical staff.

Will you continue to deliver after the corona crisis?
We will continue to deliver through, especially once employees return to the office and we can deliver to offices as we always did.

Mihai Samson | EAT ETC Hermes, Bucharest, Romania

Cuisine: International
Started in: 2020

What would have happened if you hadn’t joined ( in Romania)?
Since the beginning of the year we were looking for the right platform to deliver food. At the start of the corona crisis, that decision was made even quicker to start a partnership with

What is the effect of the pandemic on your restaurant?
Our visibility has grown enormously since the collaboration with Customers were happy to enjoy good food, even during the spread of the virus.

Will you continue to deliver after the corona crisis?
Yes, of course. Our customers are now used to ordering meals. In addition, our customer base continues to grow. We want to do everything we can to continue to meet the needs of our customers.